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Between France and Canada

To-do list before I leave...

January 26 2014

So little time left and so much to do... I should at least think about the most important things, such as:

* Packing. I'm going to need warm clothes (Canadian winter!) and they're going to take so much space in my suitcase... And I'll need to check my bagage allowance. I'm so screwed.

* Travel documents and other paperwork. Make copies of all important documents that prove that I exist. Save a copy at home in France and take a copy with me to Canada. Because some people take information on a piece of paper very seriously.

* Medical check-up. I better make sure I don't have anything serious so I don't need to go see the doctor in Canada, because, you know, we have health care here and stuff.

* Taking care of the little matters. Like paying off remaining bills, terminating cellphone contrac... Boring, annoying, but necessary.

* And most importantly: spend time with friends and family!

Please let me know if you think I forgot something and feel free to share any advice or tip if you know or have experienced what I'm going through right now!

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